WordPress Security

Safe, Secure, Protected

Your WordPress website's security is our top priority. We harden your WordPress site to keep it safe from threats and provide regular security updates. Sleep easy knowing we've got your website covered.

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Robust WordPress Security Services from Becker Design, protecting businesses in Saskatoon and Canada

Addressing WordPress security concerns

Are you concerned about the security of your WordPress website? Has it been hacked, or do you worry about potential data loss or being blacklisted?

These are common issues that we come across regularly. Below are some of the most prevalent worries we hear about WordPress security.

Your safeguard is here

Becker Design is the answer to all your WordPress Security issues

For 15 years, we've been working on providing top-notch WordPress websites with security measures that are second to none. Our knowledge of the platform is exhaustive, and we've used this expertise to build award-winning, industry-leading websites for a wide array of clients all over Canada. We have an intricate understanding of WordPress Security, and we're excited to put our skills to work for you. Here are just a few ways we secure our clients' WordPress websites.

Ready for peace of mind?

Becker Design is a trusted Canadian WordPress Security agency.

We prioritize your site's security, ensuring it stays safe from threats and vulnerabilities. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and receive a free quote.

Kind words from a happy WordPress Security client

We did good work for this business and they're happy to let the world know.

Trusted by hundreds of companies across Canada

Here are just a few of the companies in Saskatoon and across the country that trust Becker Design & Media with their web presence

  • Pink Wig logo
  • Manos logo
  • Cuelenaere LLP Logo
  • Calories logo
  • Brow Babe logo

Exploring Further

More Services Related to WordPress Security

If you're looking at WordPress Security, you'll probably be interested in these other services we also provide. When we design and develop new websites from scratch, those projects usually involve a little bit of everything you see here, and more.

Screenshot of Calories Online Ordering website designed in Saskatoon by Becker Design

Featured Project

Calories Online Ordering

A comprehensive custom online ordering solution for Calories Restaurant in Saskatoon.

Built from the ground up using WooCommerce and a wide range of customized tools and plugins to allow for online ordering, order management, and custom delivery options.

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Shields up!

What is WordPress Security?

In a digital age where cyber threats are a reality, having a fortified WordPress site is crucial. More than 60 million websites globally run on WordPress, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. Unlike other platforms, WordPress allows full customization of its security features, ensuring your site is as impenetrable as possible.

At Becker Design, we offer comprehensive WordPress Security services. Each site we work with is evaluated for potential vulnerabilities, and we tailor our security implementations to fit the unique requirements of each client. We protect your site from potential threats with up-to-date security patches, secure configurations, and frequent security audits.

When your WordPress site is backed by our security service, you can rest easy knowing that your digital assets are safe and sound. But, we don’t stop at just implementing security measures. We empower you with the knowledge and tools to manage and maintain your site’s security, keeping you at the helm but never alone in the vast sea of cyber threats.

If you’re looking to secure your existing WordPress site or planning to build a new one, we are here to help you fortify it. For businesses considering a migration to WordPress and seeking robust security, our team is ready to guide you through every step.

Featured Project

Northern Strands Group

The Northern Strands Group of Companies (NSGC) is a Saskatchewan-based provider of a wide range of construction, mining, and engineering solutions.

This website serves as the corporate headquarters for NSGC on the web. The site functions as a sleek, modern jumping off point for those looking for an overview of the companies under the NSGC umbrella, or looking for career opportunities at any of their companies. It was built with clean, geometric lines and a focus on accessibility, speed, and ease of navigation

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Frequently Asked Questions about WordPress Security

You've got questions about how Becker Design ensures WordPress Security. We're prepared with answers. If your query isn't covered here, bring it up during our initial consultation.

More questions? Let's talk!

WordPress Security involves implementing measures to protect your WordPress site from potential threats, including malware, DDoS attacks, and unauthorized access. It includes tasks like setting up firewalls, regular site scanning for vulnerabilities, and ensuring that the website, along with its themes and plugins, are always updated.

Websites, especially those on popular platforms like WordPress, are often targeted by cybercriminals. A security breach could lead to data theft, damage to your brand’s reputation, and even financial loss. With our WordPress Security service, we help keep your site safe and your mind at ease.

We provide ongoing security monitoring, which means your website is watched around the clock for potential threats. When it comes to security, prompt action can make a significant difference, and we’re always ready to respond.

While our security measures significantly reduce the risk of a security breach, no website is 100% immune. In the unlikely event of a breach, our team will swiftly work to identify the issue, remove the threat, restore your website, and fortify the site against future attacks.

Absolutely! Search engines prioritize secure websites, and a hacked website can significantly harm your SEO performance. By maintaining a secure website with our WordPress Security service, you’re also protecting your SEO efforts.

Yes, indeed. In fact, we recommend it. Our WordPress Management services dovetail perfectly with our security measures, ensuring your website is not only secure but also updated and optimized for performance.

Understanding the security status of your site can be complex. However, as part of our WordPress Security service, we provide regular reports detailing your site’s security status, actions we’ve taken, and any recommendations for further improvements.

Featured Project

Legal Aid Saskatchewan

Legal Aid Saskatchewan provides “accessible and professional legal services in criminal and family law to eligible people.”

The Legal Aid Saskatchewan website needed to be ultra simple, clean, modern, and professional. The previous website was out of date and visitors were finding it difficult to find critical information. We redesigned the site with an emphasis on highlighting that critical info, while making it effortless to locate and navigate to the site’s key areas.

The site is designed to be understandable and navigable at a glance. Nothing is hidden away.

Our client also needed to be able to quickly and easily manage the website to make updates or changes to existing content. We developed a custom, hand built WordPress backend solution to make make sure the client can easily maintain the all the content, sections, and media types on the site independently.

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Our WordPress Security Process

Are you ready to elevate your WordPress Security? We have four critical steps for you: a meeting, a proposal, implementation, and unwavering support.

Step One
Let’s Break the Ice

The journey to secure your website begins with a meeting.

Once you touch base with us regarding your WordPress Security needs, we’ll organize a remote meeting (be it on Zoom or a traditional phone call). These initial conversations typically last between thirty to sixty minutes.

We’ll discuss your needs and consider everything that you expect for your website — the extent and specifics of the project, the crucial deliverables, and your budget and timeline.

Having a transparent understanding of your business and its requirements is essential for step two.

Step Two
Proposal, Strategy, & Inception

After understanding your business, its operations, and your objectives for WordPress Security, we’ll draft a detailed proposal for your evaluation.

Our proposals encompass everything you need to make an informed decision about collaborating with us. They outline the core security services, provide a detailed cost analysis, and break down our systems, our terms, and any other vital logistical information.

Our proposals are flexible — we can modify them until they cover everything you need. There’s no pressure. Even if you choose not to proceed with us, we believe that the meeting, exploration, and proposal drafting process will aid you towards your ultimate goal.

If our proposal aligns with your needs and you wish to engage with us, the next phase is to plunge into your project and commence the strategizing and implementation process.

Step Three
Implement, Harden, & Secure

We implement our WordPress Security measures in a safe, isolated environment, ensuring your existing site remains untouched.

Your security solution is deemed ready only when you’re completely satisfied. It’s our task to implement your WordPress Security services and refine them to meet perfection, accommodating your feedback and guidance throughout.

When your WordPress Security services are in place, we’ll transition your site to the secured environment. Congratulations, you now have a secure and robust WordPress site! However, our journey together doesn’t end there.

Step Four
Launch, Monitor & Maintain

A WordPress site isn’t just a digital façade; it’s an evolving entity that should adapt as your business grows and technology evolves.

Becker Design extends ongoing support for the WordPress Security services we implement. For some clients, this has been a journey over a decade, seamlessly evolving as technology advanced.

With Becker Design at the helm, your WordPress site will remain secure, reliable, and ahead of potential threats for a long, long time. We ensure everything runs smoothly, your site is fast, error-free, and secure. We keep your site updated with the latest security patches, and we ensure that all improvements to tools, systems, and software are smoothly integrated into your operations.